How does the Internet work from the point of view of a network ? Question and answer!


How does the Internet work from the point of view of a network ?


Internet is a worldwide network of computers that uses common  communication standards to provide the physical backbone for a number of interesting applications.

All computers which have an access to the Internet are connected with each other either through cables or satellite.

Internet provides a common language called protocols to all the attached computers for communication while using internet, the most common protocols are:-

Transmission control protocol (TCP)

Internet  protocol (IP)

1. TCP is responsible for breaking the information into small packets using the technique of packets switching.

2. IP is responsible for sending the packets to the address of destination computer with the help of Routers which help in managing the Internet traffic. The packets travel through multiple levels of network, computers and communication lines before reaching the destination.

3. At the destination, TCP again assembles  packets into a single message to obtain the original message/document.

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