What is the purpose of using type attribute in lists? question and answer !


What is the purpose of using type attribute in lists?


Lists are used for presenting the information in a certain sequence. the unordered lists are a list of items with special bullet symbol in front of each item. This is a container element that is created using < UL > tag, The ordered lists are a list of items with numbers or letters in front of each item.

This is a container element that is created using < OL > tag. The items in these lists are defined with < LI > tag. The main attribute of < UL > and < OL > tag is type.

In case of the < UL > tag, the type attribute is used to create a specific type of bullet in front of the list item. It can take three values Disc, cycle and square. The dafault bullet s a disc ( filled circle ).

The TYPE attribute in case of < OL > is used to specify the kind of numbered list that is to be displayed. The OL list automatically starts with the number 1. The number style can be uppercase and lowercase letters, Roman numerals, and Numbers.

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